About Our Church

Our church is a place of genuine lovers of God. We are a multi-ethnic and generational church, with a strong emphasis on finding community and sharing Gods love. We strive to build up a family atmosphere, where people can come to fellowship, worship, and grow in their faith.
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Our Mission & Vision

Our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith

At Ecclesia KC, we believe in the power of a unified and diverse community of believers. We accept that we are all one body, though many members, just as the Scripture in the book of Acts states. Our faith is strengthened by the various expressions of love, service, and participation of our different members. We are dedicated to creating a safe, open, and welcoming environment where all people of various backgrounds, beliefs, and lifestyles can come together to grow in their faith and in fellowship.


We believe in one God who exists as three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Sprit (The Trinity).

1 John 5:7; Mat 3:16‐17; 28:19; Col 2:9

Jesus Christ

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ is God in human form. We believe Satan tempted him in all points like we are, but without sin. We believe He allowed Himself to be crucified in order to pay the penalty for all our sin, He rose again from the grave on the third day, and He now sits on the right hand of the Father in heaven.

I Tim 3:16; Luke 1:35; Isa 7:14; Mat 4:1‐11; Heb 4:15; 1 John 2:16; Rom 5:11‐21; 1 Cor 15:3‐4; Col 3:1

The Bible

We believe the Bible is the inspired and complete word of God without error. It was given to man so that we may know and love God, understand the gift of salvation Jesus Christ offers to us, and serve as our source for spiritual growth.

2 Tim 3:16; Heb 4:12; Ps 119:105; Prov 30:5; Is 55:11

Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is fully God and the current, earthly manifestation of God through His indwelling of the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. He seals the believer and baptizes him into the body of Christ at the moment of salvation with the goal of teaching God’s Word and conforming the believer to the image of Christ.

1 Cor 3:16; John 16:7; 1 Cor 12:13; Eph 1:3‐14; 1 Cor 2:9‐16; 2 Cor 3:17‐18


We believe that the first man and woman were created in God’s image and all humans have great value in God’s sight. But, when the first couple sinned, they brought both physical and spiritual death to the human race. As a result, all human beings are born with a sinful nature, commit acts of sin in their lives, and must be reconciled to God through the death of Jesus Christ. We believe salvation is by God’s grace alone on the basis of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and in His resurrection. We believe that salvation is available to anyone who will personally believe in their heart and confess with their mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. We believe this salvation cannot be reversed or lost, and believers are kept by the power of God.

Eph 2:8‐9; Rom 10:9‐10; John 10:28‐29; 1 John 2:19; Rom 8:35‐ 39; 1 Pet 1:5


The Church

We believe the Church, both worldwide and local, should be a witness to the world. The ministry, worship, and teaching of each local church should creatively adapt to the particular culture it feels called to reach, but without compromising Biblical absolutes. We believe each local assembly should be as self-governing, self-supporting, and self-propagating as possible, practicing the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Table and operating under the leadership of those who hold the office of pastor. We believe every member of the local church has the responsibility to minister the Word of God and support the ministry through prayer, holy living, tithes, and offerings

Acts 14:23; Eph 1:22-23; 4:11-16; 1 Tim 3:1-13; 1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 19:7-8; 21:2; Mat 28:18-20; 1 Cor 11:23-34; 1 Tim 3:1-13; 1 Pet 5:1-4; Heb 13:17; 1 Cor 16:2; Mal 3:10; Acts 4:34-37; 2 Cor 8:7; Acts 2:41-47; 13:1-4


End Times

We believe in the literal, physical return of Jesus Christ to the earth in power and great glory to judge the world and reign. We believe all men will spend eternity either with Christ or eternally separated from Him. We believe the lost who die wait in a literal Hell for the day of final judgment. We believe those who have accepted Christ as Savior will experience a bodily resurrection to everlasting life

Acts 1:11; 2 Thess 1:7‐10; 1 Thess 4:13-18; 1 Cor 15:51-58; Rev 20:11-15



Baptism is the first step of obedience in following Christ that shows other we have trusted Jesus for our salvation.  We do this by following the example that Jesus gave us when he was baptized on earth.  When a believer is submerged under water, it is a picture of the death and burial of Jesus Christ. When the believer is raised out of the water we picture Jesus’ resurrection from death and his conquering of sin.

A Christian’s baptism is a public declaration of being a follower of Jesus Christ, and being a part of a new family. Although baptism is not required for salvation, it is an important and exciting part of the Christian faith. For many it marks a turning point in their walk with Christ.


Who We Are

Our Team Leadership

we are blessed to have a dedicated team of experienced leaders who strive to make our community a better place. Our team of ministers, deacons, and elders work together to provide spiritual guidance and faith-filled support for our members. They come from a variety of backgrounds and bring with them a wealth of knowledge and expertise.